3 A’s that will Boost Your Relationship Today!

Your Relationship Sucks?? Not just with you wife, girl friend or boyfriend but also work relationship and business relationship! Here are the 3 A’s that will Boost Your Relationship Today!

Boost Your RelationshipFew weeks ago I had the pleasure to chat with a friend of mine Caryn Elizabeth, one of those inspirational friends that I am glad I’ve  found in the internet’s treasure box to date. Caryn Elizabeth transmits very positive vibe through her typed words which led to learn from her the 3 A’s that I will keep safe in my heart for the rest of my life. For all of this I wanted to share the lesson learned from the inspirational Caryn Elizabeth as I am sure it will help you to Boost Your Relationship Today!

These 3 words are the truth about how to Boost Your Relationship to grow and stay sound and prosperous;

1. Attention

Attention is the process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things. Attention has also been referred to as the allocation of processing resources.

Examples include listening more and carefully to what someone is saying while ignoring other conversations in a room or listening to a cell phone conversation while driving a car.Attention is one of the most important things to work on to Boost Your Relationship.

Quote – “Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the Attention it deserves”
Albert Einstein

2. Affection

Affection is a “disposition or rare state of mind or body”that is often associated with a feeling or type of love. It has given rise to a number of branches of philosophy and psychology concerning: emotion (popularly: love, devotion etc…); disease; influence; state of being (philosophy); and state of mind (psychology). “Affection” is popularly used to denote a feeling or type of love, amounting to more than goodwill or friendship. It is important to share your Affection constantly not just in certain dates of the calendar.

“Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.”

C.S. Lewis

3. Appreciation

Appreciation is giving value to others in many ways. In this sense it is the reverse of depreciation, which measures the fall in value in your love life, business and other relationships. Appreciate more the things that you have like a job, a house and a democratic place to live in.

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”

Frederick Keonig

Apply these 3 tips to Boost Your Relationship into your life