A Prospecting Method That Really Works

Many will find this Prospecting Method very helpful in their business growth!

This response caught me by surprise so in this post I will discuss what F.O.R.M is and how to use it.

Most networkers will tell you that prospecting is by far one of the things they struggle with especially if they are new to the industry.  There are many methods and techniques that are taught, however, some require a certain skill set that may take time or a new person to develop.

Prospecting MethodThe F.O.R.M method is one of the best and most effective methods you can teach your new team member as a Prospecting Method.  It is a simple and duplicable power Prospecting Method that really works. The basis of the F.O.R.M method is relationship building which has been the mainstay of this industry for decades and still is today.

F.O.R.M. stands for Family, Occupation, Recreation and Message – If you can remember these four things this can work for you as you are out an about doing your daily tasks.

Family: Where do you live?  Do you have kids?  How old are they?  Boys or girls? Are you married? How long?  These questions get the person to talking about themselves and give you a chance to learn about them.  You can also share your answers for some of these same questions as you don’t want a linear conversation but at the same time you want to stay in control of the conversation.

Occupation: What do you do for a living?  When they tell you what they do, you have a great opportunity to ask them about their job – if it’s in an industry you are familiar with you can comment on some of the things you know about it. If it is unfamiliar to you this is your chance to learn about it. What you are doing is gauging income or net worth.

You have asked them about their occupation so expect that they will ask about yours.  This requires some fore thought so when they do have your ’30 second elevator speech” ready. This is a description of your business that you can say in just a couple of sentences that articulates what it is that you do.  Do not pitch your company.  Share some benefits that you have been able to help people with as a result of your company.

Recreation: This one’s easy!  What do you do for fun?  Where do you vacation?  How do you spend your weekends?  Do you have a hobby or play sports? This is a check for disposable income.

Message: When you feel the conversation winding down, or you are ready to move on it is time to deliver your message.  Now is the time to use key things they have shared during your conversation.   Here is an example of what your message may sound like.

Listen, name, I really enjoyed meeting and speaking with you earlier while we were chatting I heard you said how much you hated your job, how much you dislike having your baby in day care and having to live in an apartment when you  would much rather have your own home.  Name, I don’t do this for everyone but I think I may have a way to help you.   I really need to be on my way as I have an appointment in 10 minutes but I am free this afternoon around 4 pm so let me have your number and I will call you at 4:15pm to share some information I have that may help you.

You now have an appointment with a potential business partner.  If you are new you make want to work with your upline to prepare or assist you for the call back.  You can cover the first three steps in any order but your message is key and must be last.

Master this powerful Prospecting Method and watch your business and customer base grow.

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