3 Reasons Why People Quit

3 Reasons Why People Quit

Have you heard, that people Quit???. People quit their Jobs, diets, relationships and businesses because they are AVERAGE. Learning how to develop a GREAT mentality might take you time but it is possible. In today’s post I reveal with you the 3 Reasons Why People Quit!

You see AVERAGE people have that mindset that settles them in life. They never move forward to the next level obtaining new results and achievements in their lives. It is something people are not born with but they are programmed to be Average since young. This is why one can change that by re-programming themselves and grow that mindset from Average to Great.

[heading subtitle=””]The No.1 why people QUIT is because they look how far they’ve got to go, instead of how far they’ve come. [/heading]

3 Reasons Why People QuitHere are the 3 Reasons Why People Quit

1) They buy other people’s opinions –

How many of you have done this before? A friend or a relative heard something and they come and tell you and you buy it. It is one of the best habits an average person practices. Instead of see things for themselves and decide, they hear other people’s noise effect their future. So they have this habit of quitting sometimes even before their first hurdle. Reason being is that at school they taught us to focus on the mistakes we did not on the things we did great or good. That effects an average mindset as he is programmed that making a mistake is bad or evil not doing mistakes and learning from them helps you to achieve success. Eventually if they do not change that, they will quit.

2) They have that thought that they have limits –

“I am capable to go this far, knowing myself”. Settling for things you never work hard on to reach is another trait of an average that ends up quitting. One can never say how far he/she can go if they have never pushed hard or they never changed that thought ( I try instead of I will) to see how far they can go. Limits are set in your mind and so are No Limits. It is a shift in your mindset that must be changed. An average starts something with the initial thought of losing instead of winning so they end up quitting.

3) Comfort Zone Lovers –

“I don’t want to risk and I like where I am”. These people are in love with their comfort zone so much that they hurt themselves and who is around them living in mediocrity. At some point we are in our comfort zone but only the brave seek a way out of their comfort zone because it is there that they find success, satisfaction and achievement. Ask any successful athlete, business person what they did to reach the top. One thing they tell you is I had to get out of my comfort zone. So, another reason why someone quits is because his mind quits before his body. Living in the comfort zone all your life will never allow you to discover your greatness and how really far you can go in what you do. It is somehow unhealthy as it is a regretful thing that when one is old, that person will always remember that because they stayed in the box, they never had the chance (because they never took it) to experience what is outside the box.

So if you are AVERAGE… there is still hope for you. It is called CHANGE. CHANGE your thoughts, habits and ultimately your mindset, first by making a decision to do so. Also having a great support is one of the backbones that will allow you to stay motivated and inspired to keep going. You can start by Working with me today so you can learn and plug into a winning mentality team.

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