Vital Leadership skill… Vision

A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position. – John C. Maxwell

VisionOne of the leadership skills is Vision. Have you got the Eye of the Tiger? It is indispensable to any leader. Why? Because vision leads the leader. It’s like a bulls eye target, It is the fire lighter for others who follow the leader. Show me a leader without vision and I’ll show you someone who isn’t going anywhere. He must be travelling in circles.

Vision starts in you – You can’t buy it. It has to come from the inside. If you lack vision try to hang out with leaders whose vision resonates you.

Vision grows from your past – Every leader can tell you that the creation of his vision comes from past events in his life.

Vision reaches others help – If you have an individual vision it is probably too small but if your vision goes beyond what one individual can accomplish then it has a real value.

Vision gathers resources – Benefits of vision are many as it acts like a magnet, attracting, challenging and uniting people.  The greater the vision, the more winners it has the potential to attract.

One may ask but where does vision come from? To find your vision you have to become a good listener. Good Listeners visualize more in detail than others.

To Improve your Vision do the following;

Measure Yourself – ask around you or other key people in your team to state what they think about your vision.

Write it down – take time to write down your vision today. Writing clarifies your thinking.

Do a gut check – consider what really impacts you at gut level e.g what makes you cry? what makes you dream? Think about what you’d like to see change in the world around you. Once you have a clearer picture on your ideas, write them down a discuss them with reliable team leader.

When you look deep into your heart for a vision, what do you see?

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