Inspirational Monday #31

How the Hell Did Matt Get People to Dance With Him? Matt Harding did something exceptional and attracted loads of people to follow his dance which was an attraction for thousands of people and millions of hits on youtube. Matt decided to explain how he was able to get people to come out and dance…

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WorldVentures – No.1 VIP Travel Club on the Planet

Why is WorldVentures the No.1 VIP Travel Club on the Planet? What You Didn’t Know You Need In Your Life!… to Travel more paying less. Fact: Travel is the number one human being dream in the world… which is simple to go out and see the world. Also, it is the No.1 Product sold online…

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Inspirational Monday #30

Young kid memorizes the speech of an inspirational movie called ‘Miracle’. Here is “Rizzo” (4 yrs old) Pre-game pep talk before the famous 1980 “Miracle” game against the Soviet Union as performed at his home before it have spread like wildfire.

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5 Why’s You Should Visit Dwejra in Gozo!

5 Why’s You Should Visit Dwejra in Gozo! I just arrived from a short visit from Gozo which is our sister island (of Malta). With around 30,000 people living on this mesmerizing island that many are seeking not just to visit on their vacation but rather to live in there is simply amazing. There is…

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Inspirational Monday #29

Change your mind in just 2.50 mins. Motivational video for success. When you feel depressed, failed, Change your mind in 2.50 mins. Inspirational Story of successful people, Must See Daily Motivational video, don’t give up.

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Top 20 Inspirational Movies You Must Watch Before You Die

Here is the list of the Top 20 Inspirational Movies you must watch before you die, that inspired me and my friends in the last few years. With so many amazing movies out there, it is hard to come up with just 20 that I think is the most inspirational. As I am a movie…

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Inspirational Monday #28

Paradigm Shift with Bob Proctor. Bob Proctor explains in few minutes how to make that shift in your mind to change things. How Much Time Do You Spend Thinking?

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Inspirational Monday #27

Warren Buffett’s 10 Ways to Get Rich. Warren Buffett reveals 10 wealth creation secrets that can work for you. The nontraditional education that can make you a fortune! Jay Z also tells of his experiences.

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Angelo Xuereb – The Inspiring Maltese Entrepreneur

Angelo Xuereb is a local inspirational business man who have emerged to create a multi-million euro group of companies AX Holdings. It was not easy but this visionary made it all happen starting small during the 2nd World War period which was very tough for Malta and the Maltese people. Angelo’s determination led him to…

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